by Holly Keyser | Oct 15, 2019 | Watershed Restoration
WEST CREEK WATERSHEDCONSERVATION CUYAHOGA RIVER RESTORATION – SITE 9 We repaired scouring in the natural bedrock by raising the channel invert through the upstream portion of the site to tie-in with the elevation of the weir at the culvert invert. Details...
by Holly Keyser | Sep 15, 2019 | Watershed Restoration
WEST CREEK WATERSHED RESTORATION SITE 11 Site 11 was primarily impaired due to the presence of a low head dam. We completely removed the dam and installed grade controls. Details Cuyahoga River Restoration Categories Watershed Conservation Due to the natural bedrock...
by Holly Keyser | Apr 18, 2019 | Mass Excavation, Sediment Removal, Site Work
CLEVELAND CUYAHOGA PORT AUTHORITY SITE WORK CDF 12, a confined disposal facility, developed to hold the dredged material from the Cuyahoga River, allow for dewatering and then potential reuse of the material. Details Cleveland-Cuyahoga Port Authority CDF 12Cleveland,...
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